
The Fastest Way To
Analyze Your Game


Video analysis is a great way to improve, but until now it has been too tedious. Who has time to wade through two hours of footage to figure out what really matters? Cizr allows you to quickly and easily analyze your matches because we do all the hard work for you, editing matches down to just the action, linking the video to statistics, and letting you zoom right to key points.


Learn more about what Cizr provides and how it can help you

Video Library

All of your matches are stored in your Cizr Video Library.  Video is stored in the cloud, accessible from any device. Quickly view all your matches and see when they were played, who your opponent was, and the final score.  You can also download the edited HD videos, although they are best watched using our customized tennis video player.

Have an upcoming match against an opponent you’ve played before?  Cizr lets you quickly review your previous match and formulate a game plan.


Tennis-specific Video Player

Cizr has a custom tennis video player for reviewing matches.  In addition to the regular video features like slow-motion and full screen video, Cizr provides special features specific to tennis.  Jump forward and back between points with a single click, no matter how long the points are.  A navigation bar along the top lets you see where you are overall in the match, while a fine scroll bar at the bottom lets you move back and forth with in point to analyze detail on any given shot.


Even more powerful is the integration of statistics and annotation with the video, allowing you to easily find certain situations or points.  What to view all your aces?  Just watch break points?  Look in detail at your ad court return?  You can hone in on any of those with just a few clicks.


Cizr provides full statistics on your match, including serve, return, winners, errors, and rally length.  For doubles, Cizr even tracks statistics for the individual players.*

By tracking all your matches, Cizr can allow you to review your performance over time.  See if you are improving in areas that you are working on in your game, and figure out what are the areas you need to be working on most.

*Cizr is not responsible for fights between doubles partners arising from analyzing per player statistics.

Highlight videos

Cizr makes it easy to share your video with anyone.  You can tag your favorite points, and then drag and drop them into a customized highlight video.  Download the videos and share any way you want, or connect your YouTube account and Cizr can post them automatically.

You can also share a match with anyone who has a free Cizr account so that they can view and analyze it using our custom video player.  Share with other players, coaches, or friends who want to follow the action!

Start analyzing your tennis matches immediately!

Sign up for a Cizr account, get some video of yourself playing, and then start improving!

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Cizr gives amateur tennis players the same tools as the pros. Work on strategy and tactics by analyzing full matches. See how your technique breaks down in pressure situations.

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